10 Outdoor Date Ideas to Make you get Outside!

Warm weather, blue skies and green grass has pushed outdoor dates to the top of the ‘must do’ list. 

It can be so simple! Remove all the awkwardness of which restaurant to book, which bar to stand in, which cafe exudes romance and you’ve got a whole host of ideas for date night. 

So let’s remove the complications and create the perfect ‘green’ date. 

Here’s our top 10 tips to romancing under the stars.

  1. Put together a picnic, think charcuterie board with lots to nibble on. Who knows what else you might nibble on post-nosh. 
  1. Channel your inner Bear Grylls and light that fire up baby. Don’t forget the marshmallows. Who doesn’t love that rogue strand of goo being licked off their chin? 
  1. Jump on that bike. We mean an actual bike. Rent one and hit the tourist trail round where you live. Even if you know it like the back of your hand you’ll be amazed what quirks you’ll see en route. Just don’t get saddle sore.
  1. If Wim can do it, so can you. Shimmy into a wetsuit together and Hof it up in a lake, sea, river. The anticipation of what’s lying under the layers of neoprene will get that libido working in no time. 
  1. Get sweaty. If you’re both exercise fans, put on the trainers and pound the streets. The pheromones given off during a hot and sweaty workout will leave you pumped full of endorphins and wanting to rip each other’s lycra off. 
  1. Hide a bottle of red in a brown paper bag, sit on a hill watching the sunset and make out like teenagers looking to achieve the ultimate stubble rash.
  1. Fire up the heat with a BBQ. Toss that salad, burn those burgers and host your own soiree. Who doesn’t love inhaling the smell of smoke as you lean in for your first snog.
  1. Boogie away to some live music. Any music. Google what’s on, cop a squat on a blanket and let those bodies sway in unison. 
  1. Sightsee. Simply wonder. Have no set agenda, simply wonder. Sideways chatting is an incredible medium of communication. 
  1. Stargaze. Nothing more needs to be said. That’s romance right there.